Tag Archives: utility costs

What goes around comes around…..

The UK appears to be showing the signs of a possible second recessionary phase with a retail malaise and consumer confidence shaky at best. Consistently high fuel price rises, increases in utility costs around the corner and food inflation forcing households to review their weekly spend. Interest rates’ remaining static has become the “norm” over the last year or so but this will not continue. Is the “double dip” going to become a reality?

 The prognosis on growth has been reduced by both the Government and the IMF and with companies regularly going into administration, and continued cut-backs by businesses, it would appear that the Japanese stagflation model may be mirrored in the UK over the next few years.

It is not all doom and gloom with a number of businesses becoming more focused and streamlined with even some growth opportunities being exploited. Many businesses who have survived through the prolonged downturn are now looking ahead to the future.

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Ring out the old….Ring in the new….has anything changed?

Yes, VAT in the UK has risen to 20%, for consumers buying “large ticket” items and stealthily increasing the cost of living across the board, by over £400 per typical family suggested by some commentators. This figure is based on average spend on general purchases, fuel, utilities and adult clothing. In response, retailers are saying that high discounts and sales are in fact saving costs to consumers, as they try to catch up on sales lost prior to Christmas due to the inclement weather. The discounts of course will not continue much into 2011 and consumers will suffer from continued increased costs of goods and services. A substantial impact will be on the weekly costs of refueling vehicles and the Winter utility costs of gas and electricity which contain supply driven increases well above inflation plus a VAT impact. Have a Happy New Year……