Tag Archives: businesses

UK Election fever – or is it all media hype?

At last the 6th May 2010, a date for the nation to decide on the next few years of Government. Which party, if any, will have the majority of the country’s vote and more importantly what will be the turnout level. The media have already done enough in the first few days since the announcement to put off would be voters by smothering us with their coverage and opinions on the state of each major party and the main issues as they see them.

Forget the nuances of tax and pensions for the top earners, it is the average and lower paid, unemployed, pensioners and businesses that need convincing on how politicians will deal with long term UK national debt, employment, interest rates, sterling, healthcare etc. Local authorities not delivering and high council tax levels are where the majority of the public see Government in action, (or not). Hospitals, education, re-cycling, road maintenance, (potholes and line painting), emergency services are a few of the issues to be addressed.

This is probably the most important election in decades and the media and politicians have the opportunity to engage with the nation and get everyone interested in the recovery of UK plc, but delivering change will involve some pain for all.